Monday, June 10, 2013

Glimpse #2-b

As my title is "Let's Start Talking Intern" that definitely defines a large part of my time. For those of you who may not know,  Let's Start Talking (LST) is a ministry that takes the Word to people all over the world who are wanting to improve their English speaking skills. With this as a focus, we work with congregations and reach out to the surrounding communities to advertise free English conversation. The people that are interested are then matched with an LST "worker" on a team and they read thru a workbook that has passages of scripture with some basic questions and some discussion starters. These discussion questions are designed to help us learn about the lives of the readers while giving opportunities to share Jesus from our own lives. While that may summarize the basic functionality of this Ministry, it doesn't begin to scratch the surface of how this can impact the lives of our readers.

My initial focus has been in sessions with previous readers that are interested in continuing what they started. I do have a few that have never participated before, so I am at different levels with all of them, both with English, and the relationship aspect. Many of the friends I've made here in the church are products of previous LST teams. So, it's nice to know that there is an established pattern of success.

Each of my readers are from very different walks of life. I have some that are young and not quite out of high school, to those that have grand-kids. They each have a story full of ups and downs, and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know them. If I can get their permission, I will try to share more about them as individuals later. There are a couple that I think might soon "get this Jesus stuff" as I like to say. :)

Along with these individual reading sessions, I help lead two small group conversation classes. These are just simple discussions about scripture and how they can apply to us today. I will say that learning to prepare a 'lesson' every week has given me a new appreciation for all my teacher friends!!! I feel such great responsibility for the content of our discussions to be impactful, that I find it a challenge to keep things at a beginner/intermediate level. But, at the same time, I don't want it to get too deep and scare away those that may not be interested in a relationship with God. I definitely need prayers and wisdom in this aspect!!!

I am so blessed that I get to do one of my favorite things as "work." My heart is happy when I have lots of opportunities to really get to know others. I consider it an honor when someone is willing to let me be a part of their life! So... Thank you all! :)


  1. Love it!!! I want more pictures! :)

  2. Melody, I am proud of you. You know you are God's child. He wants you to have a joy-filled life. You are smart to know what is weighing you down and the obsession of it. You have turned yourself completely over to His will by letting go of your idols. You are on your way to Rio to minister to those who have struggles of their own. May God bless you and when you are down just remember how far He has delivered you already. You will feel His presence and hear His voice..."Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


I'd love to hear your thoughts/reactions/advice!