Tuesday, May 21, 2013


- "I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be 'whelmed'?"
- "I think you can in Europe." (Brazil!)

Those of you in my generation may recognize this quote; it's from one of my favorite movies that rather defined my High School years, 10 Things I Hate About You. Well... I think it captures how my time here in Brazil has been so far. While it is not remotely possible for me to be underwhelmed being here, I have not really been overwhelmed either. I think I'm at the brink of whelmed; that place where there is a lot to observe, remember, absorb and adapt to, but somehow it's all being attained in a mostly orderly manner. (I realize that this somehow is actually only thru God's power!)

Now if only I could express life here in a mostly orderly manner!!! There are so many firsts and beginnings and establishings that I wasn't sure how to start. (Hence the long delayed update) So I decided to group things into "genres." I will start this demonstration with a video that I think sets the stage and answers several of the basic questions. Then I will begin to share "Glimpses" of these "genres."

You will want to view this on a decent sized screen and make sure you have the sound up some.
Enjoy!! :)

Glimpse #1 - Church Life

Upon first arrival at the church, I was made painstakingly aware at how much can change in 8 years!!! (I have some photo evidence that I will post at a later date.) They have a great location, but now there is the complication of major road construction right in front. (I just thought I had escaped the nastiness that is 'progress!')
I have a great office with a decent view, and of course great co-workers. Aurea is our church Secretary, Kevin is one of the founding missionaries, Jefferson is the Preacher and Lucas is an intern from another state in Brazil that is studying at the same school that Jefferson attended.

For my general schedule, Tuesday through Thursday are my main days for readers. Wednesday evening is one small group "class" and Thursday evening is mid-week service. Saturday I have a couple of readers in the morning and then another small group after lunch, then usually do something with the youth. Sundays are long (but great!) reporting at 8 a.m. and usually not leaving the building at all til almost 9 p.m.! In those hours: Praise team practice, Bible class, Service, lunch, hanging out and playing games, sometimes squeezing in a nap in one of the classrooms, snacks, praise team practice, service, and a little more hanging out. I have Monday and Friday "off," though I still end up doing some work from home or other activities, but I can at least sleep in usually! :)

Glimpse #2 - Ministries

Well... There's not many ministries at the church that I don't at least assist in some way or another, but my main focuses are the English ministry (of course), Youth (Jovens), Praise Team and hoping to help more with the Children's ministry soon.

My involvement with the youth is partially by default; first of all, I'm one of a very few single people my age. Second, everyone here thinks I'm not more than 22 anyway. :) Third, most of my "adult" friends are the volunteer leaders. But, I love being able to fit in with the 18-24 year-olds while still being someone they can ask for advice etc. and encourage them when they need it! (I'm kind of a big deal here, so I can be really persuasive!) haha!
I suppose it's fitting that I'm involved with the Praise Team... I mean, my name is Melody after all... and I do love music!!! My friend Bruno is the Worship Leader, so we already had ideas for how we would be able to work on different projects together while I'm here. The main focus right now is as support; most of the members of the PT are relatively new and still learning their parts and building confidence. I also help out with running the sound for services because the last person that usually did that had recently moved away. I'm hoping to teach several of the others on the sound board so I can start singing with the team for services. I did get to help lead this past week with a "Bi-Lingual" service while one of the teams was here. :) The other main focus right now is that Bruno and I are recording all 4 parts to the songs that they sing most, so that the members can listen and learn their particular part better and bring some continuity to the harmonies, as most/all of them can't read music. If you watch the video, the song you hear is one that Bruno and I recorded. It should sound familiar to most of you. ;)


  1. Is so good (and funny) to read about your experience in Brazil...I hope that you'll enjoy and help us to praise the name of the Lord with more tuning...hahahahah.

    By the way...Now i know how is the auto in this song..hahahahaha

    1. Haha... yeah.. I did both girl parts for the song. :) Thanks for reading! Glad you think I'm funny.

  2. Adorei o blog!!
    Gostei da parte "I'm kind of a big deal here, so I can be really persuasive!" ;)

    You really are! <3

    Deus foi muito bom com a gente trazendo você pra cá! (:

  3. So glad to hear what all you are up to. God is faithful you little songbird! Love you, Love you, Love you and am so glad you are in Brazil!


I'd love to hear your thoughts/reactions/advice!